TOEFL Listening Comprehension Part C

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What is the synonym for the following words?
disaster, catastrophe, calamity, tragedy#yds #yökdil #ydt #ösym #kpds #yökdilfen #yökdilsosyal #yökdilsağlık #toefl #toiec #ielts #gre #sat
— RedApple (@EnglishAkademy) January 13, 2021
What is the synonym for the following words?
distant, far, isolated, secluded, inaccessible, faraway#yds #yökdil #ydt #ösym #kpds #yökdilfen #yökdilsosyal #yökdilsağlık #toefl #toiec #ielts #gre #sat
— RedApple (@EnglishAkademy) January 13, 2021
Guess who has the worst period cramps the day she has the toefl exam ha ha ha i hate it here
— Gigi (@Gigintonic_) January 13, 2021
— 自然に学ぶ (@momomamju) January 13, 2021
— 西田 (@NSD_jr) January 13, 2021
Selain ngerjain toefl, admin juga bisa ngerjain essay yahh.
Pastinya no google translate dan pake bantuan grammarly keyboard, jadi secara grammar harusnya bener nihh— JASA JOKI TOEFL AT AFFORDABLE PRICE (@akubantutoeflmu) January 13, 2021
戦場へ向かう赤紙もらったみたい(は?)— たける (@taksax131127) January 13, 2021
TOEFL score's out and I believe it's pretty high: 105/120. I scored lowest in the speaking part, as I expected. (I've improved, but I was the laughing stock during recitation in grade school.) And tbh, I was cavalier about this. I purchased a review material but barely studied.
— Karlo Sevilla (@KarloSevilla2) January 13, 2021
Biasanya nilai imka/toefl keluar berapa hari setelah ujian sih ws!
— UINWS MENFESS (@uinwsfess) January 13, 2021
entangle /intæ'ŋgl/ 〔他〕(糸など)をもつれさせる,(面倒なことに)(人)を巻き込む,[~ oneself](事件に)巻き込まれる[(人と)かかわり合いになる]
— TOEFL英単語 (@TOEFL_120) January 13, 2021
persecute [pˈɚːsɪkjùːt] (動・他)
☆ 迫害する・虐げる
The Nazis persecuted the Jews.
ナチスはユダヤ人を迫害した。☆ 悩ます・困らす
He persecuted his teacher with a series of questions.
彼は一連の質問で先生を困らせた。#英検 #英検準1級 #英検2級 #TOEIC#TOEFL #英語— 英検2級 単語 (@2_eikengrade2) January 13, 2021
んなことで勉学に励みます。— たまごサンドの日常 (@e_g_g_sand) January 13, 2021
Ujian toefl onlen dua jam tapi telat mulainya, bagian reading susah banget dibaca karena itu hasil scan-an anjrit terus akhirnya ngasal setengah soal
— Arthur (@arthurnally) January 13, 2021
pernah beli buku toefl, smpe skrg ga kepegang
— Apit. (@fidzma) January 13, 2021
Slang words
#learningenglish #englishvocabulary #esl #cursodeingles #englishtips #aprenderingles #grammar #englishcourse #easyenglish #englishlesson #ielts #inglesonline #beauty #languages #english #englishonline #ielts #toefl #slang— vocabpoker (@vocabpoker) January 13, 2021