What is the cause??? (Revealed)

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As soon as Michigan Governor Whitmer issued a stay-at-home order very soon due to her state’s spiking numbers it will spread to all other blue states and Ohio.
— KelliX84 (Pantyhose Priestess) (@KelliX84) March 21, 2021
#wnlopzondag#buitenhof#coronamaatregelen#Corona#vaccinatiepaspoort#coronavaccin— LJC (@L_J_Cr) March 21, 2021
He can ask governors and mayors to issue mandates and he can ask the American public to stay-at-home. You’re right he can’t make an executive order on it.
It has nothing to do with science. It has to do with the spiking numbers and the spikes that are coming.
— KelliX84 (Pantyhose Priestess) (@KelliX84) March 21, 2021
Covid rates are spiking in these 13 states, despite high vaccination rates:
— Twheater (@Twheater2) March 21, 2021
Covid Spiking In Over A Dozen States—Most With High Vaccination Rates
— alpha (@FUTURENEWS2020) March 21, 2021
Die Infektionen steigen in 13 US-Bundesstaaten wieder an, meist Staaten mit den höchsten Impfraten!
— To the moon (@2coffeelater) March 21, 2021
Astonishing. Other coincidences including care home deaths spiking after administration of coronavirus 'vaccines'. We know that correlation is not causation. Nothing to see here.
— John – health freedom advocate- Agapé & Friendship (@johnthefocuser) March 21, 2021
Judy published a fraudulent paper in 2009, deliberately spiking CFS patient samples with XMRV retroviruses. I know my former boss. Fake Science: XMRV, COVID-19, and the Toxic Legacy of Dr. Judy Mikovits | AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses
— Byron Hsu (@ByronHsu2) March 21, 2021
— Cristiani (@Cristiani6) March 21, 2021
Covid rates are spiking in these 13 states, despite high vaccination rates:
— Forbes (@Forbes) March 21, 2021
I didn't say "first case;" I said "spiking." By April social interactions went way down even without local gov't orders. NY spiked early, FL spiked late; the state had plenty of warning and plenty of time to prepare, yet refused common sense mitigation efforts.
— David Mongan (@LawyerDave1) March 21, 2021
A key issue is the when the curve begins spiking. NY/NJ were hit very early, before many (or most) treatments were known. FL though had months to prepare. Early on FL also didn't count non-residents who became sick or died in FL.
— David Mongan (@LawyerDave1) March 21, 2021